Our Identity

A Vision for a future world

We envision a future generation of students gathering together from all over the world to solve important and complex problems. We work to create a better future for our society by training a new generation of students and leaders, capable of manoeuvring in the working environment, dealing closely with problems and successfully solving them.

A Mission to accomplish

We will be bearers of solutions for companies. We will be creators of opportunities for top-level, hard-working students. We will offer an alternative first-hand and impactful learning experience to future leaders, since students have first and foremost the commitment of contributing to the sustainable development of our planet, from an economic, social and environmental point of view.

Values to transmit

Prestige, entrepreneurship, and excellence

The world of work is waiting for us, and this is where the difference will be seen. We want to come prepared for this decisive moment, we want to be capable of moving with dexterity and agility in the corporate environment, we want to be valiant, excellent and reliable candidates for our future employers.

Our values allow us to elevate our knowledge and competences to the extent that we are distinguished by our prestige. We want our values to enable us to be the first choice to be hired, and then rise to the top of any company.

Inclusiveness, internationalism, and diversity

We could not succeed in our ideas and projects without collaboration, cooperation and inclusion of others. We value all our associates and even more we value those who can bring a tangible contribution to our journey.

We are on this route together, working as a group, and we intend for the diversity of everyone to serve as a stimulus, an inspiration and a lesson to each other. We are oriented to the whole world, which is where we will be living, and we have decided to start expanding our boundaries now.